Monday, November 12, 2012

Hey, It's My Birthday.

I just spent about 10 minutes trolling around the internet looking for some clever/snarky/funny imagery to include in today's post.  Here is the sampling I have to offer you.  Don't get very excited.

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

(This might be funnier if the "creator" of this meme hadn't completely bastardized English grammar.  You have no business even attempting to create a meme if you haven't passed at LEAST 4 levels of high school English.)

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

I chortled (because that's what sophisticated old people do) to myself when I found this last one because it reflected what I had originally intended to write about: signs that tell me I'm aging.  But, now I'm kind of pissed off because I wanted to determine the "old indicators" myself.  I didn't want someone else to remind me of what they were.  Le sigh.

To compliment the above list of joys that awaits one as he ages, here's my list, specific to me, of things that I've been experiencing as I've gotten older.  And it would seem that I've gotten older just this past year.  It was all very sudden.  I have never been so thoughtful about a birthday as I am today, this 2nd anniversary of my 29th birthday.

Blatant Signs I Am Getting Older
(In no particular order.  Whatsoever.)

#75: I care enough about elections to talk about them publicly.

#14: My collarbone pops sometimes when I sneeze.

#8: I shake my fist below the dashboard at the Penn State students who stand on the side of the road at traffic lights collecting pennies for kids with cancer and say, with the deftness of a professional ventriloquist, "Why don't you actually do something instead of just standing there!"

#12: I sometimes lose track of the last time I showered.

#13: With each day that passes, I am less and less interested in shaving my legs.

#30: I take the trash out, weed, water my flowers sans brassiere from time to time.

#87: If professional sports ended tomorrow, I definitely wouldn't care, and there's a possibility that I might not even notice.

#9: I have just enough grey hair that I will probably get it colored professionally sometime very soon because I hate wrastlin' with do-it-yourself kits, and even though they are infinitely cheaper, I'd rather pay more $ for someone else to do it and, in turn, spare me from cleaning up a mess in my bathroom or ruining another $50 bra with stray drips of color.

#100: I wear expensive bras.  Because they're worth it (the bras & the girls) and I know a spat with gravity would end in swift defeat on my end.

#2: I am so fed up with worrying about what my body looks like.

#111: I like need to be alone.

#84: I pretty much want to sleep from January 2nd until spring.

#9: My penchant for carbs has multiplied exponentially, as has my penchant for drinking wine mid-week with friends.

#79: If forced to choose, it would be pie over cake.

What about you?  Are you getting older too, or am I the only one?

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